IMRAD - Filipinos Engaged into Boys Love Series as Liberty and Awareness: A Quantitative Descriptive-Survey Study
Filipinos Engaged into Boys Love Series as Liberty and Awareness: A Quantitative Descriptive-Survey Study
In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Studies of Audiences
Ambrocio, John Paulo
Barazar, Malique Iljanah
Cartas, Allaine Benette
Dionesio, John Lloyd
Estores, Vince Faith
Professor Joey Alagaran
APRIL 2021
This analysis focuses on knowing how BL Series comes one of the most-watched in this time of pandemic and How it affects the point of view of the audience in regards to how they see the LGBTQIA+ Community being in the media. BL Series or Boys’ Love is an Asian drama genre that stems from Yaoi, a Japanese word for manga portraying homoerotic romances between men. It began in Japan and spread around the world as a manga and anime genre. According to Fujimoto Yukari, a researcher of girls' manga and gender problems, BL culture is gaining popularity in Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian countries.
The LGBTQI+ culture in Southeast Asia is becoming more visible as a result of the BL collection. Thai Physical Therapist Sommanus, who began watching BL dramas for the stars, gradually realized that "sex without boundaries or unconditional" would exist outside of male-female relationships.
The growing Filipino fanbase and our comparatively early Thai BL consumption can also be due to the ease of access to online streaming services and the show's free availability on numerous video-sharing sites. However, it is only recently that Thai BL shows have received significant interest from the Filipino public.
Background of the Study
A phenomenon of Asian dramas that originates from Yaoi, a Japanese word referring to manga depicting homoerotic romances between men. The term was coined by two women manga artists, Yasuko Sakata and Akiko Hatsu, affiliated with the historic Year 24 Group that revolutionized “shojo manga,” and are noted for their investigation of progressive issues in addition to their exploration of sexuality and gender. A
Boy Love dramas are unique in that they are romantic, dreamy, and sometimes steamy. These series have the only real LGBTQ+ representation of East Asian entertainment, despite being a relatively "taboo" genre of romance in the countries where they're produced. They've managed to amass enthusiastic fans all over the world.
Meanwhile, there have been smaller-scale K-dramas that discuss queer relationships, the latter of which was created by a Korean LGBTQ+ film studio, they have never achieved mainstream success. Although certain K-drama samples haven't received the same level of media exposure and promotion as a typical Korean drama, fans all over the world are enamored with the series.
The fanbase for BL is typically straight women, according to Thai BL director Aam Anusorn, who is responsible for famous titles such as 2moons2 and Present Perfect. They like the dramas because they see a "sensitive" side of men that is not present in their daily lives. However, as a queer director who creates Boy Love dramas, Aam does not attempt to appeal to this demographic. “I believe we should be truthful and accessible with the audience. He claims that BL is the same as romantic comedies. “When I was making these BL movies, my brain or my process didn't think of it as a gay film; I just thought I was making a love story, a romantic story, and that was it.”
Though his films provide much-needed representation on screen, Aam experiences homophobia from crews he works with on set, so for him, there’s still a long way to go for LGBTQ+ rights in his country. At the end of the day, he says, Thailand’s entertainment industry is well off because of BL dramas, and he thinks BL series could become a sort of soft power in the way that K-pop is for South Korea -- even though their society isn’t as open or accepting. Aam is currently working on a documentary meant to delve deeper into the East Asian film industry, featuring popular BL actors like Bright and Metawin, the couple from the Thai hit 2gether: The Series, based on the novel by JittiRain.
Boys Love Dramas have evolved from a revolutionary, sexually liberating niche manga in Japan to a widely-appreciated art form through various cultural outlets and countries. While these dramas have a long way to go until they are genuinely reflective of LGBTQ+ people, their inclusion of queer stories is a step forward in East Asian countries where queerness is accepted on screens -- than in the streets. (Mitchell, 2020)
This study primarily focuses on the taste of Filipino audiences on BL series and their point of view about the elements of the series, most commonly the storyline how they interact with the characters of the series. The study can help the viewers about the real meaning of the BL series to prove that this is not about the gender of the person in the story. Also, this study is for all the people who like the BL series for their better understanding of it. The researchers use qualitative analysis to prove evidence why “Filipinos that are engaged into Boys Love Series as Liberty and Awareness.”
1. What is the reason why Filipino audiences patronize Boys Love Series more than Western Dramas/Series?
2. If gender affects people's preference in watching Boys Love Series, then why does it cater to men and women who watch these?
3. Does the Boys Love Series is bounded gender and age range?
4. Why are the Boys Love Series only boomed during a pandemic?
5. Does Boys Love Series affect self-awareness and liberty?
Descriptive research is a research design that looks into a variety of phenomena and circumstances. It often aims to address questions such as how the situation occurred, when it occurred in terms of time or date, where it occurred in terms of location, and what the problem or phenomenon is. The research design is primarily concerned with illustrating a larger portion of the population; as a result, it employs a variety of research methods to achieve its goals. It is a unique kind of design because there is no manipulation of the variable; rather, the researcher uses observation to measure the findings.
Descriptive research is divided into many areas of the study, each of which serves a particular role in the research process. When conducting descriptive analysis, these approaches can be used to meet the goals and objectives.
Surveys are one of the tools that can be used to collect data in a descriptive study. The descriptive survey is primarily concerned with determining the extent to which a disease will affect the subjects. Describing a country's or region's demographics and obtaining public feedback on political and social issues. (Über, 2020)
Survey research is a method of collecting information by asking questions, sometimes interviews are done face-to-face with people at home, in school, or at work. Other times questions are sent in the mail for people to answer and mail back. Increasingly, surveys are conducted by telephone. Survey research designs are procedures in quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample or to the entire population of people to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of the population. This design has the advantage of measuring current attitudes or practices.
Surveys allow researchers to collect a large amount of data in a relatively short period. Surveys are less expensive than many other data collection techniques. Surveys can be used to collect information on a broad range of things, including personal facts, attitudes, past behaviors, and opinions.
The 39 random admirers of the Boys Love Series which are both male and female, some are part of the LGBTQI+ community participated in the study, from the group of interest. The respondents were gathered through the researchers, each one was given assignment 2 participants each, these participants referred the questionnaires to another.
Sampling Method
Snowball sampling techniques to identify study participants. In this case, a researcher might know of one or two people she’d like to include in her study but then relies on those initial participants to help identify additional study participants. When an aim is to understand a stigmatized community or behavior, snowball sampling is particularly useful. Chain referral sampling is another name for snowball sampling. One study participant refers another, who refers another, who refers another, and so on, forming a chain of possible participants. This sampling technique is also useful when the researcher's group of interest is likely to be difficult to locate, not just because of any stigma associated with the group, but also because the group may be relatively uncommon. Thus the researcher’s sample builds and becomes larger as the study continues, much as a snowball builds and becomes larger as it rolls through the snow.
Sources of Data (Instruments)
A questionnaire is an instrument for research, consisting of a list of questions with a choice of answers in a sequence on a form used along with specific information from the students. it is prepared that it translates the required information into a series of questions. it is inexpensive, regardless of the size of respondents. It is free from the bias of the interviewer. (Aryal, 2019)
The researchers used this method to gather relevant information and data to discover why do people watch the Boys Love Series and if certain factors affect a person’s interest and perception. Multiple-choice questionnaires were used to let respondents choose multiple response options or just one. Checkboxes question lets survey takers select multiple answers from a list of choices. These were used for the respondent to be able to choose more than one answer option in the same question.
The use of checkboxes questionnaires by the researchers can help the respondents decide whether they like to use one of the many variations of multiple-choice questions. It also helped them to objectively obtain the data needed in this study from the audience or viewers of the Boys Love Series which are the respondents.
The use of open and close-ended questions was questionnaire included in the latter part of the questionnaire for in-depth responses and touches.
Questionnaire is available in Appendix A
Chart #1 shows 43.6% of the respondents are in the group of 16-21 of age. The following large age range comes with 15 years old and below wherein 23.1% of the respondents answered here. Ages 22-28 and 36 and above weighed the same of 12.8%. The least age range shown above is between 29-35 weighed 7.7 %.
Chart #2 presents the group of the gender. More than half of the audience is particularly Female which weighed 53.6%. 33.3% of the respondents are Male. However, less than a quarter did not disclose their gender. The main audience of the Manga from BL Series is actually young women, then the others are bonus audiences.
Chart #3 It is presented that the majority of the respondents watched more than 15 series of Boys Love. It proves that they have been moved upon watching these weights 71.8%. The respondents who watched the 1-5 and 5-10 series weighed the same as 12.8%. The least chosen by the respondents is 10-15 series. Boys Love series touched people’s hearts and made them continually watching.
Chart #4 Upon discovering the Boys Love Series 22 out of 39 respondents were through the influence of social media and the internet weighed 56.4%. For self-discovery, 20 respondents chose due to curiosity weighing 51.3%. 11 out of 39 respondents chose friends or others who also watch these. The following data is chosen by the other 7 respondents or 17.9% along with the Trending or Popularity. The remaining 2 respondents or 5.1% selected for school or education. The least selected option weighed 2.6 each as their other reasons. The internet played a big part in advertising or promoting programs as well as the actors involved.
Chart #5 Displays the variety of Boys Love Series, most of the respondents selected Romantic Comedy and weighed in at 89.7%. There are also 28 respondents from 39 who chose the Light Drama as 71.8%. However, the remaining half of the same respondents, or the 53.8% choose the Hard Core option as the variety of the series.
Chart #6 Shows possible reasons why the respondents watched the BL Series, 76.9% of the respondents selected it as Supporter of Boys Love Culture. The following selections are because Amusement weighed 46.2% and 16 from 39 respondents or 41% is because of Curiosity. There are 13 participants or 33.3% is to add knowledge. However, the remaining data weighed 2.6% for their reasons.
Chart #7 The chart shows 94.9% of the 39 respondents agreed through watching the BL series helps to understand themselves more.
Chart #8 94.9% or 37 participants agreed that watching the BL series makes them Happy. Of the 39 respondents, 27 of them were Amazed. Some viewers had weighed the same 23.1% as Shocked and Angry. 8 of the participants or 20.5% were Confused about it. 12.8 of the participants were Scared and Terrified. The remaining 2.6% was contributed by their other reasons.
Chart #9 It is presented above that more than half of the respondents or 56.4% agreed that there are any changes after finishing watching one Boys Love Series. 35.9% were still unidentified upon answering Maybe. The remaining percentage selected No, there is none of the changes.
Refer to Appendix A for the Questionnaire.
1. After watching the BL series, did you ever feel of being FREE to love and to be loved? How?
The majority of respondents answered that it is a platform wherein other genders are recognized and helped themselves see themselves in the media. It enlightened them and to know that love is for everyone-it has no boundaries. Being able to be more open on their sexuality and to embrace themselves.
Participant no. 1
Participant no. 2
Yes . Being inspired
Participant no. 3
Yes! Appreciated
Participant no. 4
yes, It is a platfrom where other gender are recognized and it help me to see myself in the media.
Participant no. 5
Yes, it enlightened me and made me know that love is for everyone.
Participant no. 6
Yes, it shows that love has no boundaries.
Participant no. 7
Yes. Love is love.
Participant no. 8
true love wins
Participant no. 9
I feel to be loved. I lack many things and being loved would probably help me in fulfilling those.
Participant no. 10
I have always felt this way.
Participant no. 11
After watching a few BL series, I've been more open about my sexuality and I was able to embrace what I truly identify myself as.
Participant no. 12
Participant no. 13
Yes. Self Expression
Participant no. 14
Yes, by accepting and being open all people regardless of their gender
Participant no. 15
ahmmm actually i feel nothing i dont know why
Participant no. 16
Yes, because I'm bisexual. It helped me to know and understand more about what do people like me feel towards the other people who is not like us. It helped me understand that we can love whoever we wanted to love, not basing on their gender or sexuality.
Participant no. 17
Yes, because after I watched those BL series I realized that it doesn't matter who will you love, as long as your happy with that person there would no be a problem at all.
Participant no. 18
After watching BL series, I felt that to like someone who doesn't like us back motivates us to study hard and it gives hope that someday they would have feelings for us too. Being loved by someone is so precious so we should appreciate it.
Participant no. 19
Yes. I've always believed that no matter who a person is, they can love the person they wanted to be with. As long as they're in a healthy relationship and happy it's acceptable and I want that kind of love. BL shows showed me the kind of love that never asks for anything as long you know your soulmate is happy and safe.
Participant no. 20
Yes, BL series taught us or share to us the culture that being loved isn't dependent on a person's gender and appearance but the most important thing is our attitude and how our actions shows our personality
Participant no. 21
since my fav plot is having a soulmate for a lifetime, yes. i always have my will to love, to be loved? idk i just know i will love whoever i want to give, share my feelings with, whoever deserves it.
Participant no. 22
Yes, it made me feel that I should show love and appreciate all kinds of gender.
Participant no. 24
I realized I don't look at the sex of the person but the entire person. Male or female I could fall in love with either.
Participant no. 25
yes. understood more that love is for everyone & no boundaries required. though im not to stereotype in anybodys love affairs still it pave a way for me to appreciate them more
Participant no. 26
Yes.I dont care
Participant no. 27
Yes and No. First, Yes, because loving someone is not because of their gender, it is because of how you felt and how the person treated you, and No, because we all know BL industry is only giving Entertainment for us that in somewhat we never seen in our real life situation.
Participant no. 28
Yes, because the BL series made me realize that everyone deserves to have a special someone in life.
Participant no. 29
Umm yeah
Participant no. 30
no .cuz in my country people will kill me .and my family also are somofobic.
Participant no. 31
Yes. That's how the world should be.
Participant no. 32
Getting the same feeling as what is shown in a particular movie or episode.
Participant no. 34
Yes, for me Love has no gender
Participant no. 35
Yes . By creating them or making the as my inspiration
Participant no. 36
Yes🤤their love is amazing and i always crave for that relationships
Participant no. 37
Yes, I want more to be loved for who I am
Participant no. 38
Participant no. 39
I don’t know.
2. After watching the Boys Love Series, did you feel more TRUE about yourself towards the people around you? How?
Seeing someone like them in the media makes everything easy, shows recognizing and slowly accepting others’ differences. Being more open about same-gender relationships. It teaches that just being yourself is important. It's really hard to hide the real self just because they feel scared that the people around them might not accept them because of their sexuality. They have seen in dramas that it conveys many misunderstandings and conflict within the stories and it would help them to avoid having such arguments if they stay truthful with everyone around them.
Participant no. 1
Yes, Seeing someone like you in the media makes everything easy because it shows that everyone is now recognized and slowly accepting each other differences
Participant no. 2
Yes, I started being open about my thoughts on relationships between the same gender.
Participant no. 3
Yes, I learned many things besides knowing matters when you're in a relationship. I also became more open-minded as I already have knowledge after watching when it comes to romantic love with the same gender.
Participant no. 4
Participant no. 5
Participant no. 6
Yeah. It teaches you that just being yourself is important.
Participant no. 7
I have always been true to myself
Participant no. 8
I stay the same. In the first place, I act on my own will. I do what makes me happy. But, after watching the Bl series, I tend to be more curious of the people around me.
Participant no. 9
Thanks to BLs I realized how much I desire to be a man. It hurts.
Participant no. 10
Yes, I was actually glad that people were very open when it comes to my gender expression especially my parents. I felt like I was real and I was so happy that people accept me for who I am.
Participant no. 11
Participant no. 12
I'm always true, so no changes at all.
Participant no. 13
Yes, trust is very important by showing who and what you really are
Participant no. 14
yess..cause i have an idea what other people think of being different because of watching bl
Participant no. 15
Yes, because at that time when I still didn't know what BL series was, I was scared to show everyone my true sexuality. It's really hard to hide the real you just because you're scared that the people around you might not accept you because of your sexuality.
Participant no. 16
Yes, I realized that it is better when you're true with yourself and to the people around you because you will feel free if you know that you're not hiding anything from them.
Participant no. 17
Nope because before watching it I'm authentic and true to myself toward people around me, I don't fake my emotions and how I feel about the person.
Participant no. 18
Yes because I have seen many misunderstandings and conflict within the stories and it would really help to avoid having such arguments if we stay truthful with everyone around us.
Participant no. 19
Yes, BL series gives us different perspective in live that makes us reflect on what we are doing
Participant no. 20
Yes. Be more open minded and understanding around
Participant no. 21
Yes. Be more open minded and understanding around.
Participant no. 22
yes. i started questioning myself but i still couldn't find an answer and whatever the answer is, i'll let it be. I show to anyone how I love being with their company, like that.
Participant no. 23
Yes. Because of the BL Series' that I've watched, it gave me the courage to come out to my friends.
Participant no. 24
Opened my eyes to more of the double standard against same-sex relationships! Realized to be happier when I'm just me and not some fake person to satisfy others.
Participant mo. 25
Yes! I’ve been open to my thoughts
Participant no. 26
Yes! I’ve been open to my thoughts
Participant no. 27
yes. It helps me to understand their sexual orientations more. choices differs to any person but not locked on two genders only
Participant no. 28
Participant no. 29
No.Im confused
Participant no. 30
Yes, as A Bisexual person I always taught myself to hide my true identity to people around me, like I usually deepen my voice to my normal voice something like that, and what I've learnt is people can judge you, but people can never change what is you.
Participant no. 31
Yes, because I became happier and and less bored during these quarantines.
Participant no. 32
Participant no. 33
yeah.i think my thinking about them has changed a lot.
Participant no. 34
Yes. Nothing embarrassing about liking a boy.
Participant no. 35
Yes, i'm always being myself towards my colleagues
Participant no. 36
Maybe, it is a hard one. Probably I felt more confident in telling them about the fact that Love has no gender
Participant no. 37
Participant no. 38
Yes. True love exists
Participant no. 39
Yes, I become more my true self
3. Are there any changes in your perspective, ideas, and misconceptions when you finished watching one BL series?
Changes are happening after watching the BL series, some become more open to social issues that are faced by the members of the LGBT community. Some of the respondents widened their perspective on the roles of love to everyone. And others also clarified their question about social and personal subjects of BL. they thought that many people can’t accept the sexuality of people in the LGBTQIA+ Community. Others call them homophobes. But when they found out that more people accept our community, it made me feel free to be true. That they must fight for their rights. Their rights of being a person and to not be discriminated against because they thought that they were different from the others. Now they understand more how unjustifiable this society they currently live in, how others are criticized on how they prefer to be as a person. Someone is striving to be who they want to be. Any person is still a person regardless of their choices.
Participant no. 1
Participant no. 2
Yes, it made me realize that a boy can love a boy, and a girl can love a girl.
Participant no. 3
Yes, there are changes. My beliefs regarding this happening has broadened and deepened.
Participant no. 4
Participant no. 5
Participant no. 6
Not really. I’ve always been a supporter of LGBTQ+ . As long a BL series is done right and does not have aggressive characters in it.
Participant no. 7
Participant no. 8
Yes, there is. I become more open to social issues that are faced by the members of the lgbt community. I widened my perspective on the roles of love to each and every one. And I also clarified my own question about social and personal subjects of BL.
Participant no. 9
I started to be more creative in my own BL stories. It really inspires me.
Participant no. 10
Yes, I became more aware of the community and it also helped me realize that no matter what gender you have, you are and will always be valid.
Participant no. 11
Participant no. 12
Participant no. 13
There are times, yes
Participant no. 14
i feel lonely and wanting more
Participant no. 15
Yes, because before, I thought that there are many people who can't accept the sexuality of people in LGBTQIA+ Community. Others call them homophobes. But when I found out that there are more people who accepts our community, it really made me feel free to be myself. That we must fight for our rights. Our rights being a person and to not be discriminated against because they thought that we are different from them.
Participant no. 16
Participant no. 17
Yes, It changes my perspective and it gives me hope to not give up on my crush cuz someday he might have feelings for me.
Participant no. 18
Yes, a lot actually. It helped me to be open with new and more perceptions around me.
Participant no. 19
Participant no. 20
Participant no. 21
Participant no. 22
I understand more how unjustifiable this society we currently live in, how others are criticized on how they prefer to be as a person. I comprehend how they are feeling, and I do respect them as they are.
Participant no. 23
I had multiple changes in my perspective after watching a BL series. It made me see and be more open about LGBTQ+ relationships.
Participant no. 24
I strive to be who I want to be. I am shower to judge others. But quicker to stop another person when they wrongly judge someone.
Participant mo. 25
Participant no. 26
Participant no. 27
yes. any person is still a person irregardless of their choices. lets not be blinded by misunderstandings but rather be acceptable to change.
Participant no. 28
Participant no. 29
Participant no. 30
There are some changes, you can never really tell the things that happen to you, sometimes you bumped into this but it's not for you.
Participant no. 31
I learned to accept the LGBTQ community more.
Participant no. 32
Participant no. 33
yeah sure.
Participant no. 34
Yes. Feel more brave to be one.
Participant no. 35
Not much, perhaps just the parental conflict in coming out, but not an issue on my end.
Participant no. 36
Yes, it makes understand a little more about how deep and amazing being in love is
Participant no. 37
Participant no. 38
Participant no. 39
I think I am more open minded
4. How did this BL series help you in becoming more aware and understanding about the concept of genders including the LGBTQ community?
BL Series portrayed timely and relevant issues and situations that anyone can relate to or learn from. Some stories tell about gender clarification and identity. It is relatable to young individuals because most of it was told in a youthful manner. Through this, teens and adolescents would have an angle to consider in evaluating themselves. The fact that films portray same-sex couples is in itself, an eye-opener. The LGBTQ+ community in the Philippines is mostly discriminated against by the majority of the population. This may be due to the country's religious background but generally, respondents would say that BL films will be a perfect way in letting the masses know that every gender is valid. Participants got more knowledge about the struggles of people that are part of the LGBTQ+ community. It is disappointing that up to this day, the discussion about gender and gender roles are still being treated as taboo and the majority of the respondents became more open in helping people to understand that it is valid to let them express their true selves and not care about what some people think about them.
Participant no. 1
Participant no. 2
It made me realize that there's nothing wrong loving the same sex as yours.
Participant no. 3
It helps me to be aware because it's not just about love between two people but the things that they are going through on a daily basis.
Participant no. 4
It made me realize that love has no gender. We are all free to love whoever we want, may it be a girl or a boy.
Participant no. 5
It let me acknowledge things more and it assisted me to become more open-minded about the concept of genders.
Participant no. 6
Participant no. 7
Gender equality
Participant no. 8
I’ve always been a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. Always. LOVE IS LOVE.
Participant no. 9
Appreciation for diversity
Participant no. 10
BL Series portrayed timely and relevant issues and situations that anyone can relate to or learn from. Some stories tell about gender clarification and identity. It is relatable to young individuals because most of it were told in a youthful manner. Through this, teens and adolescents would have an angle to consider in evaluating themselves.
Participant no. 11
Well, I have always watched the news about LGBT+ community.
Participant no. 12
The fact that films portray same-sex couples is as itself, an eye-opener. The LGBTQ+ community in the Philippines is mostly discriminated against by the majority of the population. This may be due to the country's religious background but generally, I would say that BL films will be a perfect way in letting the masses know that every gender is valid.
Participant no. 13
some scene lalo na dun sa Why R U ep 11-12, dun ako napaluha dahil sa father ni zee which is not tanggap si saint and nasaktan ako dun HAHAHAHHAHA mas napagtanto ko na love has no gender talaga kasi in the end natanggap din sila and nagiba ng mindset ung tatay
Participant no.14
I'm always a supporter and an ally even before I knew BL.
Participant no. 15
By seeing on how their feelings, emotions, and life as themselves whether they are or they are not from LGBTQ
Participant no. 16
it helps me to think open about one's gender
Participant no. 17
BL Series helped me to become aware of the issues that the LGBTQIA+ community is facing right now. It helped me understand that we all deserve equity and freedom. That we must be treated equally and not discriminate the members of our community.
Participant no. 18
When I watched those BL series my mind becomes more open with all the people that i will going to meet.
Participant no. 19
It helps me to understand more the colors of the rainbow, as a part of that community it opens my mind that we still gonna find the person who will accept us whole heartedly just like our parents, someday we will meet the one who destined for us and by having a girlfriend/boyfriend that is part of LGBTQIA+ doesn't make you part of that community.
Participant no. 20
I got more knowledge about the struggles of people that are part of the LGBTQ+ community. It is disappointing that up to this day, the discussion about gender and gender roles are still being treated as a taboo and I am more open in helping people to understand that it is valid to let them express their true selves and not care about what some people think about them.
Participant no. 21
it gave us insight on the struggles of different genders in life
Participant no. 22
they are being criticized for breathing, and that is insanely not good and will never be. i love how they choose love behind anything, choose sincerity for just one person, choose to be free.
Participant no. 23
BL series' helped a lot when I was slowly understanding the different genders in the LGBTQ.
Participant no. 24
More open to let people live and love how they want no matter who they are.
Participant no. 25
made me more adapt to the changes. as nothing is permanent in this world except change. their sexual orienntations is not a curse but a gift
Participant no. 26
Participant no. 27
It make me believe that everyone should love who they want no matter what the genders is.
Participant no. 28
It's an eye opener, for me who been hiding a long time, its time for Boozing the pride and the joy that gender never tell you who you need to love, like woman needed to love a man, not like that, the understanding of human behaviour can help you understand how beautiful and wonderful their life and they can change your life also by their story.
Participant no. 29
BL series showed the the challenges faced by the same sex couple.
Participant no. 30
Many ways
Participant no. 31
i was aware before but i am more serious about it now.
Participant no. 32
The message that passed to audience.
Participant no. 33
I am always understanding.
Participant no. 34
I have always been a LGBTQ supported and the BL series for me show me how big and diversity Love is
Participant no. 35
By defending myself to the people that are homophobic
Participant no. 36
It made me understand that LGBTQ is a normal thing and people must not be considered different because of this
Participant no. 37
It becomes more natural and positive
Participant no. 38
Participant no.39
5. What is/are your realization/s after watching the BL series?
Love is a beautiful thing. Respondents say that the media should put the reality of the things that they were showing to the mass. Being truthful is important in a relationship. Never be afraid to express whatever they feel and never be afraid to show people how they feel about them and let them feel the love they are willing to give. Never be afraid of rejections and failure.
Participant no.1
Love are not based on gender
Participant no. 2
Be clear with your intentions and never judge.
Participant no. 3
That we should put reality in the things that we are showing to the mass.
Participant no. 4
As I have said in my previous answers, it made me understand that love has no boundaries.
Participant no. 5
I realized that love really has no boundaries. It always depends on the person's mindset and feelings.
Participant no. 6
Open about love other
Participant no. 7
Love is not about gender
Participant no. 8
Love is beautiful.
Participant no. 9
sometimes its a bubble
Participant no. 10
Our hearts have no classified gender. Love yourself and others will love.
Participant no. 11
I love making stories and watching/reading them.
Participant no. 12
I realized what my gender truly is and I was able to embrace what I truly am.
Participant no. 13
Like what I've said, love has no gender
Participant no. 14
not realization but confirmation. Most straight male can do it with the same gender.
Participant no. 15
That all people should be feel loved and so do you as an individual
Participant no. 16
dont eat an ice cube with out partner hahahahah
Participant no. 17
I realized that there are many perspectives that people have when it comes to their thoughts about watching BL Series. Others found it alarming and others found it educational. It is because each people in our world have different perspectives when it comes to this kind of issues. But aside from what I've stated, I realized that we all deserve happiness and freedom. Whether you're straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender etc.
Participant no. 18
That there's nothing wrong who are you going to love as long as you're not bothering someone's lives then there would be no a problem at all.
Participant no. 19
My realizations after watching BL is there are many faces of love. Love that we find who we really are. Love that no matter what others say you will not be afraid because both of you are just being true to yourself and Love that teaches us to be patient, lower our pride, and be understandable because that's what true love means.
Participant no. 20
Being truthful is important in a relationship. Never be afraid to express what you feel and never be afraid to show people how you feel about them and let them feel the love you are willing to give. Never be afraid of rejections and failure.
Participant no. 21
there are a lot of thing but the most important thing is that we mustn't overly fantasize thing in life we must remember what the reality is
Participant no. 22
i realized that if a straight person having criticism about their looks, etc. lgbtq have them too and are always being criticized on why they picked that road, their gender, others questioning their life as if being uniquely different compared to others make them fewer humans.
Participant no. 23
I realized that we can easily normalize multiple genders and relationships with same genders if we just tried to understand it more. It also made me realized= that I am not fully straight.
Participant no. 24
Same as above
Participant no. 25
bl loves better & expresses themselves more than straights. though their ways & means sometimes collides but still they pursue more with passion & efforts & no qualms about it too
Participant no. 26
Participant no. 27
I became very bored easily when watch some straight drama or series
Participant no. 28
My realization is that loving someone without the conception of the gender is not wrong as long no people has been harmed, you can love a person no matter who they are
Participant no. 29
Gender doesn't matter as long as you love someone.
Participant no. 30
Love is love.... It's not about gender…
Participant no. 31
we can not even feel about their feelings.I feel so sad about them because its not easy in country like us.
Participant no. 32
BL love is genuine.
Participant no. 33
LGBT community is becoming more and more popular.
Participant no. 34
Being a supported
Participant no. 35
Participant no. 36
LGBTQ relationships are somehow better that straight couples
Participant no. 37
I am happy to see same gender relationships
Participant no. 38
I hope my life is the same with the bl series.
Participant no. 39
Im still hoping for better changes.
6. Will you recommend them to watch the BL series? How?
Participants agreed that the BL series are worth recommending. Yes, some of them will recommend the BL series to their friends even to heterosexuals. When heterosexuals watch homosexual films, it does not revoke their straight card as most people believe that LGBTQ+ films often make people homosexual. A contradiction to this fact is that these homosexuals have grown up watching heterosexual films but we still were able to embrace their gender. They would recommend the BL series to my friends even if they aren't part of the LGBTQ+ community because it will also serve as an eye-opener to them showing that all genders matter. Other respondents stated that most probably by posting series ratings that they have watched or by talking it with their friends.
Participant no. 1
Participant no. 2
Yes. But for those who have open minded
Participant no. 3
Yes! Send them videos haha
Participant no. 4
Yes, By supporting it more
Participant no. 5
Yes, By supporting it more
Participant no. 6
I will. I'll first tell them that it is interesting so they too will be interested and share them the things that I've learned while watching BL series.
Participant no. 7
Participant no. 8
of course, yes.
Participant no. 9
Everyone of us have different tastes and likes. If they want to, they will. If they don't, edi dont. Lol. Sorry i am not good at promoting things. And i don't want to sugarcoat. Bl series is becoming more popular. And some people's liking is like the seasons. They only adore the flowers when it spring and forget it on winter.
Participant no. 10
I would recomment the others to their preferences. If they like comedies, I'd recommend 2gether. If they like action, I'd recommend Trapped. It depends on the genre of BL, not just BL itself.
Participant no. 11
Yes, I will recommend BL series to my friends even to heterosexuals. When heterosexuals watch homosexual films, it does not revoke their straight card as most people believe that LGBTQ+ films often make people homosexual. A contradiction to this fact is that us homosexuals, have grown up watching heterosexual films but we still were able to embrace our gender. All I want to say is that, I would recommend BL series to my friends even if they aren't part of the LGBTQ+ community because it will also serve as a eye-opener to them showing that all genders matter.
Participant no. 12
Yes, as a fan mahilig ako magchika sa mga friends ko tas nirerecommend ko mga napapanood ko tas minsan nangspspoil HHAHAHA or ung pinaka point ng story na gusto iconvey ng director <33
Participant no. 13
I guess not. I mean, I'm not recommending but I'm still watching even when some of my friends are with me. And some of them are now watching, too.
Participant no. 14
Yes, most probably by posting series ratings that I've watched or by talking to with my friends
Participant no. 15
yesss.. by watching with them or guide them
Participant no. 16
Yes, I'll introduce BL Series to other people like how I found it before I watched my first BL Series. I'll tell them what I've learned, realized and how it helped me get through the problems I've faced before because of my sexuality.
Participant no. 17
Yes because it is a really good series and it will help to become more open minded with our LGBTQ community.
Participant no. 18
Yes, I would recommend them to watch BL series by telling them that after they watch it they would learn a lot and be more inclusive and open to that kind of relationship. Also by recommending them my favorite BL series 2gether.
Participant no. 19
YES. YES. YES. I can post suggestions online using my social media accounts.
Participant no. 20
Yes, sharing of experience
Participant no. 21
yes, if they just want to, i don't want them to watch it just because i recommended it, hence i want them to know and to feel the urge to know more once i let them watch a glimpse of my ultimate fave bl, the untamed.
Participant no. 22
Yes, but only to those who I know will be open to it. I can try recommend it to them by personally messaging them or whenever they asked for movie or series suggestions. I can also recommend this to them whenever they are curious about what their sexuality is.
Participant no. 23
Participant no. 24
yes. my daughter even reads & watched it too. though its manga & anime series
Participant no. 25
Participant no. 26
Its a win-win situation for me because we never know what are people's perception about bl series
Participant no. 27
Yes, by giving them ideas and concepts on how it works.
Participant no. 28
Yes , I will recommend some of the highest rated BL series and tell them the plot. And I will tell that every series has a good moral lesson to learn.
Participant no. 29
Of course
Participant no. 30
yeah sure.i enjoy a lot and personaly i am a person who like to recommend whatever i like to my friends.
Participant no. 31
Yes. Tell them it's nice.
Participant no. 32
Ofcourse yes, by giving them all the list :)
Participant no. 33
Of course, just telling people to watch them without feeling scare of the BL just enjoy the amazing series/films. Telling them that is a history about Love
Participant no. 34
Yes. I will tell them that bl can change their hearts
Participant no. 35
Yes. They are very nice and they teach a lot about the rainbow community.
Participant no. 36
Yes, I do
Participant no. 37
Yes, its is life and self-understanding
Participant no. 38
Yes, theres more to life.
Participant no. 39
Yes, it makes the lgbtqi to be more acceptable concept as reality.
1. What is the reason why Filipino audiences patronize Boys Love Series more than Western Dramas/Series?
Given the fact that the Boys Love series became a hit during the pandemic season, one reason is that a filmmaker named Jade Castro experienced difficulty in breathing, became curious if it is a panic attack. He knew that the ongoing battle with the virus affected so many people in terms of their emotional, social and mental health. A lot of people lost their jobs, especially during the early phase of lockdown. He added that the Filipino audience requires some cheering up especially nowadays. Also, Direct Darwin Mariano shared his experience that during his darkest hours and times, the Boys Love series played a big role in his recovery. According to him, the series gives hope and cheers up people. It makes many people believe that good things will happen and to hope for a better future.
Now that we have this kind of crisis, it helped many people to overcome their anxiety, isolation, hopelessness, and their longing for connection that is well-explained why many people, female or male, the LGBTQ+ community were engaged in the Boys Love series. Its story gives people excitement and changes the mood of many, it is full of joy and positivity that helps people to recover from their darkest moments. Also, it became an eye-opener to many people that changed their perspective when it comes to the concept of genders. It shows the spirit that there could be a happy ending for the female or male, the LGBTQ+ community, and, by extension, everybody.
2. If gender affects people's preference in watching Boys Love Series, then why does it cater to men and women who watch these?
Boys' Love, also known as Yaoi, is a fictional genre originating from Japan and focusing on homoerotic relationships between male characters but its target audience is women.
“Most readers and authors are teenagers, so life in college is what’s closest to their real life,” says Utain, adding to the premise. “Pre-teens and teens [which are Boys Love’s main target groups] would not be able to understand how a frustrated 30-something woman actually feels about life…they won’t be able to empathize.” (Koaysomboon, 2020)
3. Does the Boys Love Series is bounded gender and age range?
Boys' love began in Japan and has since spread around the world as a manga and anime genre. There is an increasing interest in BL culture in Thailand, China, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian countries, according to Fujimoto Yukari, a researcher of girls' manga and gender issues. Each one took a different direction, illustrating the complexity of the social situations in which LGBT people find themselves. (Yukari, 2020)
At first, the target audiences are for young ages, pre-teens or teens. It’s just happened to be open for all, it depends on a person's preferences.
Scholars in the field of boys' love studies believe that the explanation for the genre's development is a collective nonconformity to socially defined gender norms (Nagaike and Suganuma 2013; McLelland and Welker 2015).
For women who want to disassociate themselves from harmful gender constructs, the boys' love genre offers a suitable forum for the projection (Hagio 2005; Welker 2011). As a result, boys' love is often regarded as a feminist genre that criticizes patriarchal society for its gender-based conservatism (Nakajima 1991).
4. Why is the Boys Love Series only boomed during pandemic?
“It started off underground, before surfacing around 2011 to 2012. The genre picked up and blossomed in around 2014-2015,” says Dr. Utain Boonorana, a medical doctor who’s also an LGBTQ fiction author known by his pseudonyms, Patrick Rangsimant and Mor Tood (“Homo Doctor” in Thai).
"Boys Love" (or simply BL) has become a popular manga, anime, and video game genre for girls and young women in recent decades. This genre was created in Japan in the early 1970s by a group of female artists who went on to become prominent figures in the manga industry.
The Philippines has finally joined the BL craze and bandwagon, during the first period of pandemic 2020. The IdeaFirst Company has recently uploaded on its YouTube channel the first of eight episodes of what is now regarded as the country’s first BL series, Gameboys. It is directed by Ivan Andrew Payawal and stars Kokoy de Santos as Gavreel and Elijah Canlas as Cairo. Followed by Gaya sa Pelikula directed by JP Habac and starred by Ian and Pao Pangilinan.
5. Does Boys Love Series affect self-awareness and liberty?
After the process of collecting and interpreting the data, the researchers have drawn the following conclusions surrounded by the findings of Chapter 4.
It has been discovered that the 39 respondents agreed on answering yes. Yes, it affected self-awareness and liberty. It helped the audience who were confused about their gender, to accept and be sure who they really are. It opened their minds on the things that they need to know in the concept of gender. It widened their knowledge and minds to look for answers that they were curious about. BL series affects the self-awareness and liberty of the audience by helping them in seeing their true self in media. It became a platform that opens the mind of the people that being homosexual is okay and some people understand their situation and with that being said, Their audience will be educated enough and confident with who they are and what they like.
These are the following people that would benefit from the study:
To the audience and fans of the Boys Love Series: Aside from entertainment purposes, and heart-fluttering storylines, they will be more open and more understanding of what our modern world offers about gender and other things that they need to know.
To the boomers: The study will let them understand the modern world that we are revolving around right now. It will also help them learn and add to their knowledge the things that they do not know and need to understand in order for them to connect and relate, as a change of perspective onto personal preferences. These boomers help them feel of holding up their age and be with the trend.
To the producers and directors: This study will enhance their knowledge and creative ideas upon formulating the concept and plot as it targets the audiences based on gender differences, and catering examination of radical issues in addition to their exploration of sexuality and gender.
To the broadcasting students: It gives an advantage with the technicalities and story flow.
To the educators: These professionals have high power and high interest which is capable of discussing identity and sexuality, not only for factual context.
Baudinette, T. (2019). Lovesick, The Series: adapting Japanese 'Boys Love' to Thailand and the creation of a new genre of queer media. South East Asia Research, 27(2), 115-132.
Cruz, M. (2020, November 5). BL series deliberate in spreading joy, positivity–and here's why.
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Über den Autor Philipp Seyß. (2020, September 10). Descriptive Research - Definition & Methods. Retrieved from
Yukari Professor at Meiji University. Specializes in manga cultural theory, F. (2020, September 24). The Evolution of "Boys' Love" Culture: Can BL Spark Social Change?
Zsila, Ágnes & Demetrovics, Zsolt. (2017). Redrawing the boundaries of gender and sexuality: A psychological reconceptualization of the boys’ love phenomenon.'_love_phenomenon
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